Announcing Copywriting Definitions Sure to “Up Your Game”

Announcing Copywriting Definitions Sure to “Up Your Game”

All right, everyone, I’m coming at you like a whirlwind. That’s right, this wizard of words, this paragon of phraseology, this benevolent dictator of discourse, feels you could probably benefit from knowing a thing or two about copywriting definitions. That’s especially true if you’re someone looking to hire a copywriter, you’re a writing youngling looking…

Why Is This Copywriter Giving Away Marketing & Sales Secrets Worth $145,637 For Free?

Why Is This Copywriter Giving Away Marketing & Sales Secrets Worth $145,637 For Free?

So many Coronavirus jokes out there guys, it’s a pundemic! Ha! Forgive me for a geeky dad joke. My kids would probably wanna kill me if I told them that. But yeah, it’s actually not so funny considering that all this craziness has been going on for months on end now. Just a quick glance at…